How to Use Temporary Tattoo Stickers

step1Cut as close to the image as you can. step2First clean the area you want to place the tattoo, if the area is hairy first shave the area. Step3Remove the transparent protective film, Face down the paper and stick it Onto the skin. Step4Wet the tattoo paper completely with a towel or spary water, makeContinueContinue reading “How to Use Temporary Tattoo Stickers”

What You Need to Know Before Getting a Tattoo

DOES THE DESIGN HAVE A PERSONAL CONNECTION? If not, it should. It’s important for tattoo newbies to choose a design that has a personal connection to them. It’s not just about how a tattoo looks, but also if it connects with who you are, your personality, and if you can feel it in your heart.ContinueContinue reading “What You Need to Know Before Getting a Tattoo”

How to design your first tattoo

This is an example of one of my customers design process left from customer/right is my design Finding Inspiration Consider the reason and inspiration behind your desire to create a custom tattoo so you can communicate your needs to the artist. Creating a custom piece is a personal process in which an individual takes greatContinueContinue reading “How to design your first tattoo”

Surrealism Tattoo

If Dali was a tattoo artist About Surrealism can be described as a dream-like oddity. Or logical incoherence. Natural elements distorted into something that could be, but isn’t.  As a tattoo style, it’s often used to represent dreams, disorganized ideas and fantastic ways of depicting the world. It challenges logic and order and prioritizes creativityContinueContinue reading “Surrealism Tattoo”